At this point, we would like to familiarize you with the events that have taken place recently. We obtained these events from our Appeals and Complaints Department and from the Inspector for Personal Data Protection. We present here incidents related to the protection of personal data and a number of content of persons fined with an additional fee and other passengers, as well as information and findings on the presented case obtained during the investigation.
In this way, we would like to introduce you to the work of the auditors and our employees dealing with complaints about them. Based on these cases, it is not difficult to form an opinion about the legitimacy of many complaints about the work of the inspectors. As you will see for yourself, the work of ticket controllers is not the easiest one, and it is not well perceived by the majority of the society. It is a big social problem, because the great tolerance of the local community towards "free riders" means that such people do not feel any pressure from this side. Unfortunately, such a situation leads to the belief that the use of public means of municipal or communal transport without payment for the service is becoming the norm. However, we are convinced that this situation will improve, thanks, among other things, to activities such as ours.