WARNING! When submitting a complaint, if the complainant is a punished person, it is mandatory to provide your current address of residence as well as correspondence and PESEL number in order to properly verify the person

Ladies and gentlemen!

In order to improve the quality of our services, we would like to ask you to provide us with all information regarding the work of our controllers and employees of the CC office. If you reveal any behavior inconsistent with your expectations, please fill in the form on the CONTACT tab of our website or by sending a message to the address below. Please describe the incident or observation that does not suit you. We guarantee that each application will be dealt with personally by us in order to improve the functioning of the control and to constantly improve the quality of the control.

Please remember that the sooner you write to us after the incident, the greater the chance of an objective and proper examination of the case. After a longer period, in many cases, it is no longer possible to determine the course of the event or secure the relevant evidence (e.g. statements of the controller, driver, monitoring recordings, etc.).

Write to the Complaints Department


Any complaints about the inspection and inspectors carried out can be submitted on the form below:

download.pdf download.doc


Cash surcharges are not subject to appeal. Complaints about the unlawful imposition of ODG should be submitted only with an indication of the infringed legal provision and a brief description of the event. All original ODG forms and confirmation of payment of the complaint fee should be attached to this

We consider appeals only after a prior payment of PLN 20.00 towards the costs of the complaint. This amount is only reimbursed in the event of unjustified imposition of ODG

Securing appeal costs is necessary due to the fact that the complaint against ODG is an exceptional remedy. This measure is directed only to persons punished contrary to the law. Therefore, in order to limit its abuse, such a fee is reasonable and should be paid with the complaint at the latest. Please use the form to submit a complaint

download.pdf download.doc