This is a fee that is usually imposed in exchange for an additional credit fee (only in the case of a reasonable fee). If the entitlement is documented (e.g. for free or discounted travel, or after presenting a valid personal ticket), the additional fee is canceled within 7 days of the event, and a handling fee is imposed in return (provided that it is permitted).
If the payment is not made within the prescribed period (see the instruction on the Additional Fee), statutory interest and other costs resulting from legal provisions are added. In addition, the summons may contain a summons to pay the vindication claim, i.e. the amount that the vindication company has collected as remuneration for carrying out vindication activities.
Vindication may be outsourced to an external vindication company. In the case of unsuccessful recovery, the case is referred to the locally competent court, and after obtaining the payment order, in the event of failure to settle the obligation, the case is transferred to bailiff proceedings.